19 September 2010

Oh My Sweet America: a Multi Poetic Collab


Stand up, Nation! Stand up tall!
Forget skin colors, look past our faults!
We've grown tired of the hatred within
Sick of watching our people deteriorate from sin
Sick and tired of being sick and tired
Tired of poverty, let's put it back on the shelf
There should be enough for us all to have wealth!
But instead, I see our country divided like war
3% gets richer, while everyone else becomes poor.


what has happened to the dream we have all once chased
...has the race gone from freedom to money
has happiness been sold at the cost of our soul
still on the auction block
now it's not just the AfricanAmericans
but all races though out the country
where our streets cry blood and states search for
answer to budget crisis that are cause by the Illuminati
in politics I don't trust any body from my state rep to the leader congress
Anarchist and proud of this a man dies once a coward dies endless lives
surviving is hard when I know I am living in the end times
But what has happen to The America
where I once was proud to reside.

Michael Double G Kielanowicz:

Never been blood money poet but when I had money...
Did everything possible to blow it
Caused friction between me and God
Now demons lookin at me odd cause I praise Him
The be all end all cure for every sociological disease.....
.He's so amazing
Told me humanities worth surpassed appraising
Taught me how to heal the soul beyond abrasion
A calm cool collected Caucausian
Grew up clean cut like shavin
He ordered my steps cause my idle hands kept misbehavin
since the day I turned 18
Through grace I was saved now my flow so pristene
Verbally paint pictures like Michelangelo composed Sistene
Word plays intoxicating like a fifth of jim beam
Ain't nobody dope as me
Been an Outkast since I was a teen
See...My change was meant to be seen

Ms Betzy Hughes:

My sweet, sweet, America,
You kiss me with death while loving me in your arms!
You hold on to prejudices....
with the same affection as the right to bear arms!
You rock you children to sleep, encouraging them to dream..,.
while stealing their parents money and still,
you say....you love me!

Help the poor you cry!
Stop the violence you say!
Dream big and conqueor fear, love success, gain power!
Earn Respect, Get an education....but don't forget...
It is your money and your soul you'll pay.

My sweet, sweet America....
Are we ever going to change our ways
love the next man, your sister, your brother;
all human, different colors...we are still the same.
Colors are colors.....America!
Black ink on white paper, is better than white ink on white paper.
That is unless you don't want to reflect on the history;
the early messages sent !

Black words on black paper...no pinks, yellows, or maples.
you still can't see it then....faded
yes this country is jaded!
We work together...blended like time counts seconds
get over the hatred..
.And love free...
My sweet, sweet America.

DL Davis:

Aint it insane?
Over 400yrs...we were shackled with chains,
beat with whips and by the rope!
...we were hung.
Still we kept our hope,
...men and women...old and young.
Isn't it amazing?
Thru all that (bull ish).
We still managed to survive.
We got smart and learned how to stay alive.
In our hearts was faith and pride.
Now we walk with a new cool stride.
But slavery!! Is still one bad ride.
Now we can think and do for ourselves.
So I think, what we should do is,
take those same chains and whips
...and flip the script.
On second thought, nope.
You see, I hopefor all races
that mess isin the past.
It feels good to echo the ol' negro spiritual

Carlos George:

I’m busy yelling, “Yes we can”
Caught up in the allure as a fan
Ignorant to the fact of a scheme to undermine man
To never help me understand
How you plotting to make this your land...
Handed the people a pitchman with smooth talk to carry out your plan
Allowing our land to be taken over by bankers who wants the public
to eat out the palm of their hands
Embedded microchips through anti-epidemic needles to become a brand
Called it a flu shots with no disclaimer for side effects and all my folks ran
To keep track of your whereabouts and through GPS find where you stand
Secret societies, I am not a fan
Politicking with my comrades through this writing to get them up to date man
This is not about African-American, Anglo-American, Latin-American or being un-American
We simply have to sat aside our differences to become a true all-American
Come together for the sake of man
Just because we reside in projects doesn’t mean
we must be apart of the project plan
Stop ignoring the signs it’s more complex than democrat, independent or republican
We must venture back to the time where your son was like my son in a short span
I’m fighting for equality for the future of my seeds and the welfare of the
But as long as you ignore and leave me standing alone won’t make anything happen
Assistance is much needed before this transition began
Using my unlimited artillery of words to bring awareness to this corruption preplanned
Let’s take back our country before its too late man!

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