17 December 2017


What 'should be' and what 'reality is'
are two totally different contexts.

When dealing with reality, focus on solutions for reality, not "what should be." When creating goals, after taking reality into account, then focus on bringing things where they should be.
This is the model for success.

Wasting time getting emotional over
"what should be"
when the moment is about dealing with reality, usually has solutions that are based on emotional assumptions.
How do you spell assume?

When you assume things or base your observations on an assumption, you truly make an ass out of yourself and often to the person you are targeting as well. This kind of behavior disenfranchises people and once you do that, no matter what your cause, you just lost one. People will look at you different.
You have just proven what an ass you can be.
You have just proven that you are small and petty.
You have just proven that you will be the first to say that you act upon prejudicial and often false pretenses, making a series of bad choices. They were not mistakes because you fully intended to act the way you did. People can see right through that stuff.

This post is not written to pick you apart, it is written to make you aware that you are making a mistake by intending to be that way, and an attempt to help you clean that up discreetly. You might not care what people think, but you cannot ignore the fact that every action comes with a consequence and we all cry when we reap the consequences. You can show strength all day, but that is only recognized as saving face. It does not change facts.

Once we realize that we have been desensitized to what matters in life and that we spend way too much time on what does not matter, we will begin to see where society has gone wrong. Until then, our choice to remain blind to the truth at the heart of the matter is going to hold us back from our truest success repeatedly, until we as mankind in general learn these lessons.

Kahala Lei
copyright 2017

08 December 2017

Sacred Sites Alone

Sacred actions, sacred places
Keep it pono for all human races.
No need struggle for what's not yours
No need fight unresolved wars.
Simply bring it back to its roots
Then we will see the spiritual news
Ancestors will lead us to what is right
Visitors will honor this sacred site.
It simply starts with just one you
To check on things by driving through
By stopping down, your presence is known
No more desecration of a sacred site alone.

Kahala Maui
copyright 2017

Sweet Tamarinds

Golden brown texture
Raw flesh undressed
Tart against my taste buds
Satisfying to my senses
Arousing my tongue
Searching for its seed
Licking bittersweet thickness
Hard, black and shiny
Always ready to give more

Kahala Lei
copyright 2017