22 May 2013

Experience is Priceless

There are many forms of education in the world.  Don't be so quick to judge any one person's road, for you can never be sure what it was in their path that has made them so successful.  What you view as success might not be what you think it is, because you have to remember that your views are only just that.

Remember that the world does not revolve around you, so if you choose to live in your own small world of views, then you are in for the shock of your lifetime. 

Small is the mind that think it has absorbed such a large amount of knowledge, and great is the mind who knows that it does not know multitudes of knowledge.

Great are the people who think of themselves as small, for they possess an understanding that is far beyond what most people can mentally evaluate in a given day span.

While one may be lavished in gold or books, money or collectibles, their accomplishments mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. What matters are the most important essentials one can possess in their lifetime. It is not very easy to achieve.  It is even harder to keep, given the kind of world we live in today.  One is capable of achieving just about anything, but when the moral factor becomes a part of it, the options become very slim.  While God may understand that we are human and make mistakes, taking advantage and choosing a sinful business life is not what He meant.  
When God gave us free will, it was for us to choose our way to Him, not for Him to force us, much like a 5 year old child would try to teach a mouse in a maze how to get out. God does not push us like that.  So we have to understand that much like the way your mom might let you fall on the sidewalk as a child, that God, will let us figure some things out on our own as well. 
This free will is how we determine for ourselves, what kind of life or love we will obtain throughout our lives.  This is how one can determine their strengths, successes and failures.  One cannot determine that from a piece of paper.  One cannot determine what an experience taught another person.  However, one can guarantee that book knowledge is only text.  Text can never replace the actual experience.  Experience is priceless. 

Sukistardom 1
Blood Money Poets
copyright 2013

12 May 2013

Highly Not Recommended

I'm pretty sure that some reader will get offended at my words by the end of the third sentence.  Please be advised that opinions are like asses - everybody's got one, and this is mine. I own it.  So please, if you take offense to what my opinion is, go to your blog and freely express your opinion.  

My blog = my opinion, and your blog = your opinion

Do you understand how this works?  Ok, now let me clearly state my opinion on my personal blog space.  I am going to express myself now.


A few years ago, due to circumstance, I made the split decision on my birthday to come down to Charlotte County, FL with my children to start a new life.  I regret that decision and would highly advise anyone under the age 65 and under a six figure bank account, does not move here.  You would have to be out of your mind to come here.  From day 2 down here, I have been scrambling to leave.  At this point, I am well beyond stressed out and having breakdowns.  I have to leave this place.  I have to live somewhere  that I can actually live.

For some time, the minimum wage here was lower than federal minimum wage! They can fire you for anything down here, including sexual orientation.  It's sick and its not right.  I twice got fired for out working my boss.  After all that I been through an the recent brain surgery which is the mother of all mothers in healing... It's like having a mental chinese fire drill every 8-12 weeks, I still have to fight for my missing paychecks from the restaurant last year, and social security this year.  

The schools targeted my children on the behavior of the one in kindergarten.  I had to pull them out to be homeschooled.  
They will tell you as soon as you get here, who they don't like. I somehow fit in most of the categories, so I guess I get to be chop liver, huh?

My friends back home ask me if they should come down and I immediately tell them not to even waste their time.  I would not recommend coming here unless you have your very own self sufficient financial portfolio.  Rock on, Kahala Lei

Kahala Lei
Highly Not Recommended
Blood Money Poets
copyright 2013

06 May 2013

Give Freedom

Give me freedom
Give me freedom
Set my people free
Give me freedom
No more nec-ro-sies
How about freedom
And equal-i-ty

Cut the genocide
When one faces Jah
There's no where to hi__de
No matter where you are

Iron Mountain
Underground City
Suffer pe-ople_
It no fair to we
Jah no like it
Ugly so-ci-ety.
So give me freedom
Set my people free

Give me freedom
Give me freedom
Set my people free
Give me freedom
No more nec-ro-sies
How about freedom
And equal-i-ty

Jah hears us cry
Children ev-ery-day.
Everything dies off
When destruction mounts
Make decisions
Make it where it counts
Give me freedom

Give me freedom
Give me freedom
Set my people free
Give me freedom
No more nec-ro-sies
How about freedom
And equal-i-ty

No manifest destiny 
Could ever arrest me,
Detest me, oppress me,
For the soldiers will march 
Until they are free.

Give me freedom
Give me freedom
Let me be free 

Kahala Lei
Blood Money Poets
copyright 2013

03 May 2013

The Small Things in Life

Sometimes its the smallest things that matter to us in life and those little things can make a huge difference.  I often find that when I'm dealing with someone who was troubled for any reason,  I can usually pull them aside, listen to their heart cry and validate them as a person, and they will immediately improve.  Many times, with many different behaviors and situations, that's all a person needs.  To know that somebody in the world completely understands them and is willing to work with them on their own level.

Did you know that...

Because first of all, you don't know what you're going to encounter today and getting a freak phone call about someone in your family could happen anytime.  Be careful to imagine what you could be going through and thankful that its only this or that..

Which brings me to the point of stating that you don't know what someone else is going through.  I personally, after having spent 31 years in customer service,  automatically put this customer service face on at my front door.  I don't want everybody to know what I'm going through and I'm pretty sure alot of people are that way.  Everybody has a mask and we wear it every day, whether we love our lives or hate them.  I also have personally seen that people who "love their lives" so much are running from their emotions that are falling apart inside them and if you give them about a year or two, they fall apart and change.  
Every rose has its thorn.  We all have a past.  But that is what made us who we are today and helps mold us into who we will be tomorrow.  

With that all being said, please feel free to share a smile with a random person or hold the door.  That could be the difference in someone else's day.   You never know what someone else has gone through.

Kahala Lei
Blood Money Spokenword
copyright 2013

01 May 2013

Wisdom of the World

Each day is a brand new dawn and you ask me every day about our new dawns.  I have yet to come to an answer on this topic for I have yet to see just where we stand.  Who are you against who am I?  Over the course of 1000 miles and some tea, we can find alot of things out but none of them will be the answer to your question, but the question of time.  

Time answers everything.  In time and through time only, our true colors and wanton desires will find their own way out. What remains of this has yet to be seen.  Just keep your eyes on what you really want and it will come to you.  I do not question what destiny has in store for me.  I simply prepare myself for what I anticipate, what I strive for.  

My walk in life begins with the knowledge that nothing is owed to me and things don't have to go my way.  I do not expect anything from this universe, as all of my blessings come from another.  My blessings come from a universe of everlasting unconditional love.  The same love that emanates from my heart.

I make my choices knowing that one day, all things come to an end. With this in mind, I do not gather or harbor any unnecessary  feelings or emotions.  May my emotions remain intact throughout this journey in life. 

Now that I have such low expectations on the world, the negativity that may come from any particular direction in this world, whether it be demographically or personally, bears less effect on me as a human being of sound mind and soul.

What comes to me as a blessing is revered as such and is always a compliment to my day, as it was rather unexpected from the start.

What comes of you and I, whether it be a family, friend or relationship, is completely dependant upon time to come into fruition.  Wise man has once said,  "People can enter your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime."

Kahala Lei
Blood Money Spokenword
copyright 2013