17 February 2013

Long Overdue Tesitmony

Surgery of the Year 2012

Many of you have viewed this picture on my Facebook page
and dozens of you have wondered what happened.

I was unable to get to everyone's questions at the time and was very eager to spend time on healing.  I knew there would come a day that I was ready to talk about it.  Just a matter of time before I carefully orchestrated the right words to testify to this moment of my life. 

After having waited nine years to be able to address this situation, All of the events that lead to it had to reconcile.  This was not a choice of mine. 
It could have only been our Creator.

Neurosurgeon Dr Siviero Agazzi USF - Tampa

In the seventh grade, our school nurse held a health screening where it was determined that I had Scoliosis, which is an abnormal curving of the spine. Everyone's spine naturally curves a tiny bit. But people with scoliosis have a spine that curves too much. I didn't live at home and my mother did not give me access to my medical or identifying information.  
This diagnosis went unchecked.  

I had a bit of a severe abuse problem at home and would not frequent there.  I left at nine years old. 
Couldn't live with my dad.

Having survived numerous street brawls and shootings,  I somehow made it to see eighteen and had moved in with my first boyfriend.  For my nineteenth birthday, he crushed my skull.  Three days after my face was reconstructed, was to be my last performance as a model and dancer in the Puerto Rican Day Parade.

During the parade, there was a shoot out around the corner and traffic went wild.  When our vehicle was hit, I was ejected about  a half of a long city block and landed on the left side of my head and body, having broken my right wrist protecting my face.
All of that happened in 1996.

Having been admitted into the hospital DOA that day, after they revived me, I slipped into a coma for a long time. Several months later, the doctors told my father to pull the plug and give up hope, but he was so far gone on crack that he was in some serious denial - which is how I confirmed that even the bad things in life have a purpose.  A month after my father said to keep me alive awhile longer, I woke up.  The doctor then said I'd be a vegetable.  That didn't work well to be a vegetable when I'm a dancer, so I wouldn't accept that.  To date, the only thing I haven't done again was dance.

A year later and I was almost normal.  So onto life as usual, opened a new business and was doing well with my new boyfriend.
The night that Shawn and I got engaged, we stayed out late in celebration with his brother and girlfriend.  We all went back to his mother's house to crash, and at six in the morning, there was this urgent knock on the front door and it wasn't the police.

Shawn and his brother Shannon pushed their way through the vestibule, shawn grabbing the door first, only to catch a bullet in his head, the second shot grazing Shannon and whizzing past me.  The shooter?  Shawn's best friend - who said, "You think you can have all the money and the bitches!"  Shawn was so dirt poor and he only had me, but I guess perception is everything, huh?

Soon after, I found out I was pregnant with our first child.  Needing help, I thought my dad might clean up his act to help me with the baby and the businesses.  He seemed to have imprinted on Shawn Jr at first sight.  The only problem was that my father still had nightmares of my mom, he began to beat me all the time, to make sure I didn't think about doing what she did to us.  I wouldn't have, but he was still on drugs and a bit delusional. 
To cut the story short, he was putting my head through walls daily,  until he got locked up.

Shortly after, a local guy who had been in love with me for years and stepped into my life wanting to step upto the plate.  In all defeat and fear, I went with him and we were making plans to get married, until he started hanging back in the streets. All of a sudden he came in wanting to beat me down, because all of his friends were doing it and their girls liked it.  
This was about the time I left, but now he's kidnapping kids and shooting at me.  I had to leave town.

After losing my career, businesses, home, friends and brother, I finally left Philadelphia in defeat.  My life and my kids were all that was left.  My father brought us to Florida with a change of clothes and a few pictures, and two weeks later, put my head through a wall, to which my four year old daughter asks me if we could just go away again.  We went to a shelter and have been struggling to keep a roof over our heads ever since.

Last year, by push coming to wheelchair, the time had come for that surgery to take place.  But there were so many other illnesses at that point, that I ended up in the hospital for almost a year, with the brain surgery being the last in a string of surgeries that removed most of my digestive system. 

This particular surgery was a partial skull removal and replacement with parts of my cervical spine cut out.  Somewhere along the line of all that happened above, my skull overlapped twice.  They still cannot fix the front without reconstructing my face again, and it is not an imminent threat.

Today, I am simply thankful for the opportunity to be here with my children and another chance to complete my work.
I have a vision and will not succumb to anything other than to manifest the destiny given to me.

Kahala Lei
from the Pages of My Life
copyright 2013

The Coldest Night Ever

Six years ago today,
While the world went on with business as usual, I lost my life as I knew it.  It was the day that my landlord hired his workers to remove us from our home, in hopes to preserve my life for the future of my children.  I had already lost my career with Starbucks and had to cut my businesses.  After living off of my investments for a year, court fees against my exhusband, and medical fees left my bank account penniless.    

Little did the landlord know that we would have no place to go, for the shelters had been filled up, pending the blizzard in Philadelphia.  Only three days after my oldest son' s eighth birthday and two weeks after my daughter's fourth, I went with my children all day to find a place to sleep that night.  
The time was 2pm  on February 16th and we still had a whole afternoon to figure it out.  With uncertainty in tow, we went to one of my foster sister's houses and she was able to feed us.  She had a house full of people  and no room, but since she often slept in the living room, she told me to go rest with my children in her bedroom that night.  I guess she and her sister talked about our situation and decided that they did not want to help us, in fear that my exhusband would show up, but furthermore, they did not want to put up with my youngest who was only 5 months old.  So at 11pm, before they went to bed, she called me downstairs to tell me that we had to go.  

It was -10 degrees outside with a wind chill of -32 and we had no money or gas to go far.  The roads were covered in ice and everything was shut down until further notice.  I got the kids up from their slumber and carried them out of the house one at a time.  She gave me three dollars and a blanket, and told me not to come back until my exhusband was in jail.  

There was no point in calling anyone else, for I had been without family since I was a girl, and the rest of my world was fast asleep, snuggled under their blankets in the comforts of their heated homes.  The kids cried, it was so cold, and my daughter vomited across the back seat of the car.  We parked on the side of a 24 hour gas station and I used the brown roll of paper towels to sop up most of the vomit. I had to leave the rest how it was, for the chill of the cold night air was making all three kids cry and it took everything out of me to hold back my tears as well.  I didn't have a winter coat and felt as though I could shatter my body if I simply bumped into something hard enough.  I drove with the heat on in the car, until the kids fell out, then I parked in front of our old house, wondering if we could sneak in there for the night.  To my surprise, the locks were already changed.   At this point,  the gas needle was in the warning zone and we could go no further, so this was it for the night.

The time was 1:22am on February 17th and both the baby and my little girl were crying again.  They were cold and we were running out of gas to keep them warm.  I put all three kids in the front seat with me and we shared the only blanket.  I did my best to sing a lullaby, but kept choking up, making my daughter cry harder, and now my oldest had awakened again.  After calming everybody down, I went to a known drug house down the block, where I knew people would still be awake getting high.  When I told them of our situation, they fixed me a cup of coffee and gave me another four dollars and seventeen cents for enough gas to make it through the morning.  We went to the nearest gas station and put the modest amount in the tank.  

After driving for another hour, fighting back tears, I confirmed the kids to be asleep again and pulled back up to my old house, for lack of a safer place to be.  Sitting in front of my house, absorbing the memories, both good and bad, I cried and cried.  How could my exhusband do this to them?  Why would he succumb his children to such suffering, over his anger toward me?  Why was he angry with me, when I gave him so many chances to get it right?  He always said that he would do anything for my love, but all he had ever done was make life worse with his drugs and street life.  The landlord put us out of the house because he kept coming back to try to kill me.  Why would he want to kill the mother of his children?  Why would he want to kill the woman he claimed to have loved so dearly?  

It was now 3:45am and I had to start thinking of where we would go and what we would do today.  Our options were extremely limited, given the state of emergency in our area with the cold winter storm.  The kids were crying in their sleep and I turned on the radio to disguise my tears of frustration.  Avril Lavigne was at the rise in her career and the radio station was airing her latest single for the first time - Keep Holding On,  as I prayed to God to deliver us from this mess.  Leilani had awakened and we listened to the song while holding each other for warmth.  She asked me why would God let us go through this and if we would die in the cold, if her daddy loved her so much like he said he did, why was he always trying to kill her mommy?
I could not answer any of these questions, rather could only tell her what the song said - to keep holding on.
We talked about what it would be like when we left to find our people, and how things would be in Hawaii.  We talked about when she would go to the Kamehameha school and learn about who she was. I told her that since she came from humble beginnings, that it only meant that God was with her and would make the rest of her life amazing.  She didn't care about herself.  She wanted to know if we would be okay, and if God was going to make our lives amazing.  

I didn't have these answers and held back the tears for my own life, in which I wasn't telling my kids about, but I feared that I wouldn't be around to make their lives as amazing as I knew their lives would be.  My life never was.  I wasn't sure if it would.  The post traumatic stress disorder was making my body attack itself and I was in and out of the hospital.  I had already outlived my said expiration date, and all doctor's expectations.  I didn't want to lie to my baby and build dreams, for I was afraid she would be traumatized if I didn't make it.  So I kept the focus on her.  She was the one who needed the strength at the moment.  She had just turned four, Shawn had just turned eight and Phoenix was barely a year old.  Of all that I had ever been through, this was the single coldest night ever.

Kahala Lei
copyright 2013
please read while listening to song:    http://youtu.be/iBi3iltquH4

12 February 2013

Save the Future of Hawaii

Every day it is another struggle, as America violates our inherent human rights by taking away our crown Kingdom lands whether we live there or not.  They want us to go away so they can build new resorts.  With all the billions they make from tourism, they do not invest this money back into the community.  They use that money to run nuclear tests off of our coasts, to build that shiny new drone on Oahu, poison our soil and air too.
It doesn’t really affect those of you who come just to visit, but it effects every resident in Hawaii.  Over exposure to these chemicals is responsible for the fact that life in general has been dying off: people, sea life, land life, even our owls.  In many cultures, owls are highly esteemed.  To see our entire world go from a natural paradise to an artificial aloha hurts both Kanaka Maoli and Hawaiian residents as well.
The lies that all the residents are fed has kept us divided for years, but now we are uniting to fight our common battles for clean water and real food - has kept us divided for generations.  Everything from Blood Quantums of Native Hawaiians (Kanaka Maoli) to pinning races against each other.
The de facto government is now trying to patent our kalo, also known as taro.  They want to make this our new GMO crop of the year.  If you don’t know what GMO means, it means chemically produced food that contains toxins that could kill an unborn baby, small children and is responsible for many cancers, diabetes, gastrointestinal issues, as well as behavioral disorders and food allergies.  Its not a food allergy, its the chemical compound they use in these crops that are killing us from the inside out.

Please join us in our efforts to save the future of Hawaii.

11 February 2013


A loose cannon I might be
Standing before a crowd of envy
Trust my words, you don't want to be me
Every ounce of wisdom, derives from harsh reality

Living the cold war, while you slept at home
No family support, not even on phone
Every ounce of love, coming from a stranger
Never knowing if it was real, or just danger

Protected by God, whom you say not to trust
Indecent proposals of man, who merely lust
Trash talked by friends, once close to me
Pushed around for not being a product of society

Hurt by their actions, staying true to myself
Their insults motivate me, regardless of health
I'm not afraid to die for what I believe
Too deep for some of you to ever conceive

I can accept it, you have your own claims
Just you remember that, when your world rains
Don't come back to me, crying your tears
I've already tried to help you over the years

You lied and rejected me, calling me crazy
You discounted my worth, now watch me amaze thee
Already rich in ways you don't know
I don't need your economical flow

I can get by with faith and my dream
Don't need you to tell me what it means
I know what I stand in my place for
I won't become victim of an unfit war

So go about yours, with your negativity
Do me a favor, don't extend that to me
Keep you flames of hell to yourself and friends
For I stand too strong and will fight til the end

This lil lady is the only queen of me
Never to bow down to wrongful society
Never give up, never give in
Because in the end, through God, I'll win.

So challenge me today, try again tomorrow
You only bring upon your own sorrow
Talk me down some more, sweet jealousy
Watch me achieve a FREE HAWAII

Alone I am not, for I have my crew
Maybe not as skilled as you
But blessed I am and blessed I'll be
While you burn in hell, I live for eternity.

Kahala Lei Azuma Maui
copyright 2013


One day

Freedom will ring for me

She waits for me at the dawn of each day

I will be silenced no more

By you

Kahala Lei

copyright 2013