21 November 2017

Empower Mankind

Write about sustenance, write about hate.
Write about something that sends a message
Include references that compete with today's date. 

Write about an epidemic when there already is a cure
Emphasize how much research we keep doing
Continuing to benefit from the profit it implores.

Communicate all that brings upon distress
Propaganda bandwagon shattering dreams
Spreading lies of desperate hopelessness.

Tell the truth, step out of the book! 
It only depicts desolation, but its not as
Horribly barren as it looks.

People suppressed under political  scrutiny
People oppressed since the dawn of time
People repressed, restricting you and me.

Break these cycles
Break the hate
Break all reality that
Brings upon stomach aches

Write about solutions
Write about peace
Write about how communities 
Are meeting each other's needs
Write about inspiration
Write about good times
Write about anything that
Empowers mankind.

Kahala Lei
copyright 2017

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