16 July 2017


When you think about your life, what do you see?
Do you see past or future and what's your reality?
Are you restricted by fear or held back by your past?
Just how long do you expect that to last?
At which point are you going to be true to you?
Not just because you call it that, but because of what you do?

What are your goals? What do you hope to achieve?
Are these all thoughts that you yourself, have conceived?
Are these dreams American or you?
If you had a choice, what would you do?
Do we all dream dreams of a white picket fence?
At what point of your dreams did the drugs commence?
At what point in your dreams was alcohol a key?
When you're drunk and high, can you clearly see?

Why are you driving when you are unable to judge?
That tree you hit, did you think it would budge?
That life you just cost, was lost in vain.
Did you really expect that family to care about your pain?
When you treat others with inconsideration
Don't expect them to bail you out of a situation.

When you honor your soul, you honor what's true.
It's only then, that people can see the good in you.
Enough of the questions, advice to give life a thought
Before you suffer from the bad choices you bought.

Not everyone and everything is a bad choice
But not enough people listen to their inner voice.
Not enough people see the pain that they cause
But too many people want to change when they're lost.
So many souls are hurting from this
So many people dying from causes cancerous.
Did it ever occur to you to watch what you eat?
Or to get rid of your microwave radiated heat?
But you want me to march for dimes for the cause
Are all the natural cures dead and lost?
You seem not to trust what wasn't invented in a lab.
But science is deeper than the doctors & health fads.
The science of life is what brought us to now
While you think inventions are the only way how.

I ask you these questions with sound mind of purity
That you may open your eyes to see
You're being held captive by mental slavery.

Kahala Lei
Blood Money Poets
copyright 2017

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