a blurry day
permanently imprinted
upon movable cores
before the crucible
Each footprint unique
traces of ancestral mists
chisel wisely against
cracks in society
as if to say
I am still here
beneath your step
challenging demoralization
reaching for that
withered connection
Roots of foundation
Seven generations forward
hold the key of hope
that truth bind unity
Inevitable sanctity
Patterns of repetition
history often serves
the same meal on Mondays
appealing to the senses
of unsuspecting sheep
through subtracting fibs
protecting the red lie
while serving the blue
corporate consumer development
seven generations later
the land cries out
she has been forsaken
formidable pain birthed love
Purified Aloha
sought by wisdom
rejecting propaganda
filtering generational trauma
producing purified aloha
Kahala Lei
copyright December 2019